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History In Indiana

Death with dignity, or aid in dying laws currently exist in The District of Columbia and six states within the United States: California, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Vermont and Washington. Oregon was the first of the six to establish a law in October 1997.


In 2017, Rep. Matt Pierce, D-Bloomington, introduced House Bill 1561, the End of Life Options Act, to the Indiana General Assembly, but the bill failed to receive a hearing.


During the 2018 session, Pierce authored HB 1157, a similar aid in dying bill, that never received a hearing, but gained media attention at a press conference held at the Indiana Statehouse in January.

Rep. Matt Pierce, D-Bloomington, and ALS patient Corey Polen speak at a death with dignity press conference at the Indiana Statehouse on Jan. 4, 2018. Photo by Zoie Richey,

© 2018 by Zoie Richey

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